Illusion and Reality

People like to believe that they hate Illusions, but Reality is they love their Illusions


Irony: A contrast between what is and what appears to be

Verbal Irony: One thing is said but means another

Dramatic Irony: Audience knows what the character does not

Genre: Category a work of literature fits into

Charismatic: Exercising compelling charm that inspires devotion in others

Duplicitous: Deceitful

vocabulary2.0Malevolent: Having/showing a wish to do evil to others

Malcontent: Dissatisfied or rebellious person

Opportunist: Person who exploits circumstances to gain immediate advantage

Crucible: Place or occasion of severe test or trial

Conflagration: Extensive fire that destroys a great deal of land or property

Grandeur: Splendor; magnificence; or greatness of character or accomplishments

Pretense: Something pretended; false act

Counterpart: Duplicate; whatever is comparable to something else in position or use

Comply: To obey; conform to rules or request

Rejoinder: Reply or answer to a question or remark, especially a quick or witty one

Quasi: Seeming to be something but not really so

Hyperbole: Obvious exaggeration

Conjecture: Guess; “throwing together” your thoughts without sufficient facts

Act: Main division of a play

Foil: A character that contrasts and parallels the main character in a story

Verisimilitude: The hidden truth; or hidden meaning behind a story

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This entry was posted on June 3, 2015 by in Vocabulary.
